Mason County Forest Festival Logo

Announcement from the Mason County Forest Festival:


Our Royalty Court is made up of five juniors or seniors, attending school (virtual or in-person) in Mason County.

We have a couple informational nights coming up for students and their parents.  In Belfair, there will be an event on Wed. 1/30 at 6:30pm and the Timberland Library.

 Some information on the Royalty Court:

Students will earn up to 60 hours of community service and a scholarship ranging from $1k - $2k for juniors and seniors residing and attending school in Mason County. Be part of history as a member of the 80th Mason County Forest Festival Royalty Court. As a member, you will visit Mason County community groups such as Kiwanis and Rotary, while participating in parades throughout Western WA over the upcoming summer. A highlight for many court members is the ability to visit local elementary schools to read and spend time at recess with students around the county.

 Coronation itself will be held on Saturday March 9th at the SHS PAC. 

This is a great opportunity for students to hone their public speaking skills, build their confidence, experience the rewards of community service and create positive memories for themselves and the people, especially young children, they encounter during their time on the Court.

 In the past several years we have struggled to make a connection with students and staff at North Mason.  We continue to work on more communication, but would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word!

*Our application deadline has been extended to February 7th.

More information available on the website: