About MTSS
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NMSD has adopted a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) model of prevention. This MTSS model is designed to address our students' academic, behavioral, and social needs using a continuum of supports, including a proactive approach for addressing the needs of the Whole Child. We have established systematic screening practices and a continuum of supports, ranging from opportunities provided to all students, to targeted supports for those who need them. The three-tiered model provides for: Tier 1 (supports for all), Tier 2 (supports for some), and Tier 3 (supports for a few).
The goal is to create a safe, positive learning environment including the accurate detection of students who need additional support beyond Tier 1 and then providing these students with additional Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports.

Learn more about MTSS and view each school's MTSS Implementation Blueprints by clicking on the links below:
Belfair Elementary
Sand Hill Elementary
Hawkins Middle School
North Mason High School