Highly Capable
Students that are highly capable/gifted are a unique population who show evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, specific academic content, creativity, artistic, or leadership capacities.
Services and activities are provided by the school in order for these students to reach their fullest potential. These services are meaningful, age and developmentally appropriate, and socially stimulating for the each individual student.
North Mason School District is committed to offering a variety of opportunities to highly capable/gifted students. We understand the need for a continuum of services as well as differing classroom instruction for highly capable/gifted students to meet their unique needs.
Elementary Programs (Grades 1st - 5th)
Students identified at a specific grade level are clustered together whenever possible. This provides the opportunity for highly capable/gifted learners to spend time with their intellectual peers. Students placed in a cluster will:
Develop skills in creative thinking
Develop skills in critical thinking
Be challenged at a high cognitive level (i.e. Blooms Taxonomy)
Pursue independent study and research
Develop interaction skills of listening and communicating
Middle School Programs (Grades 6th - 8th)
Students interested in pursuing a specific content more in depth and at a more challenging level have the opportunity to be enrolled in a variety of Honors classes. A student who will be successful in these classes will:
Be highly motivated and enthusiastic for learning course content
Have good study habits
Be academically consistent or have shown academic growth for the past 2 years
Work well with others (collaborates well)
Desire to do more in-depth, complex assignments within chosen subject area
Self-manage time both in and out of school
High School Programs (Grades 9th-12th)
Students at the high school level are encouraged to enroll in accelerated coursework upon completion of required pre-requisites. Accelerated coursework may consist of the following:
Advanced Placement courses providing students the opportunity to earn both high school and college credit.
Accelerated math placement
Tech Prep Courses
College Prep Courses
Running Start
For more information please contact the Highly Capable Services Coordinator:
(360) 277-2110